6th International Conference on

Biosensors and Bioelectronics

Dr Alan Smith

Dr Alan Smith

Chairman of a UK Faraday Partnership on electronic displays and an officer of one on colloids and formulation science.
United Kingdom


Alan started his career as an academic, but moved into industry with Laporte/Interox and BDH/Merck rising to R&D management and business director roles. He was a member of two of the UK Government’s Foresight Panels (Chemicals and Materials) and was a member of two university advisory boards. He was Chairman of a UK Faraday Partnership on electronic displays and an officer of one on colloids and formulation science. Alan set up a consultancy which helped manage a number of Government projects such as: Programme Director for the Manufacturing Molecules Initiative; Programme Coordinator for ACORN (a nanoparticles initiative); Associate Director of the Micro Nanotechnology Network, a major initiative on nanotechnology, generating interest in nanotechnology and lectures in 5 continents. He has also worked with the World Bank in South America. He has been the author of 3 books on strategies and roadmapping and has facilitated over 50 technology roadmaps in a variety of sectors Voluntary work includes being President of the Industrial Affairs Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and a Bureau member for the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Alan has worked with Presidents and S&T ministers in numerous Commonwealth countries on emerging technologies

Research Interest

Biomimetics, Nanotechnology, Biosensors

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