4th International Conference on

Cell Science and Molecular Biology

Scientific Program

Keynote Session:

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Eleoheria V Ignaoadou photo

Eleoheria V Ignaoadou

Metaxa Memorial Instiute, Greece

Title: Targeted approaches of the axilla a er neoadjuvant treatment of breast cancer


Eleoheria Igna adou is a devoted breast Surgeon with great experience since 1998. One of the pioneers of modern breast surgery in Greece (sen nel lymphe node biopsy, oncoplas c surgery), she currently works as a consultant in the Breast Unit of Metaxa Memorial Hospital of Greece, the largest oncologic Hospital of Balkan. She is a member of Hellenic breast surgeons society, a member o the American college of surgeons and a member of European board of breast surgeons. She is ac ve member of many women awareness organiza ons in Greece and member of Europa Donna Founda on.


Statement of the Problem: The status of the axillary nodes in breast cancer remains even nowadays an important prognos c factor and a major component of treatment planning, systema c and locoregional. On the other hand in the neoadjuvant se ng, the elimina on of confirmed nodalmetastases is becoming quite o en. Thus some pa ents a er neoadjuvant treatment could be spared of unnecessary axillary dissec on and comorbidity. The purpose of this presenta on is to review systema cally the current prac ce worldwide and to present our treatment protocol and future perspec ves.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Sergey Suchkov photo

Sergey Suchkov

Moscow State Medical University, Russia

Title: Abzymes as unique biomarkers and targets to monitor and manage chronic disorders and to serve tools for bioengineering of the next-step genera on


S Suchkov graduated from Astrakhan State Medical University in 1980 and was awarded with MD. In 1985, he completed PhD from I M Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy and Ins tute of Medical Enzymology. In 2001, he completed his Doctor Degree at the Na onal Ins tute of Immunology, Russia. From 1989 to 1995, he was Head of the Lab of Clinical Immunology, Helmholtz Eye Research Ins tute in Moscow. From 1995 through 2004, he is a Chair of the Dept. for Clinical Immunology, Moscow Clinical Research Ins tute (MONIKI). In 1993-1996, he was a Secretary-in-Chief of the Editorial Board, Biomedical Science, an interna onal journal published jointly by the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. At present, he is Professor and Chair, Department for Personalized and Transla onal Medicine, I M Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University and Department of Clinical Immunology, A I Evdokimov Moscow State Medical and Dental University. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of Open Journal of Immunology, EPMAJ, American J of Cardiovascular Research and Personalized Medicine Universe. He was the Head of the Lab of Clin Immunol at Helmholtz Eye Res Inst in Moscow from 1989 to 1995. He was a Chair in the Dept. for Clin Immunol at Moscow Reg Clin Res Inst from 1995 to 2004. He has been trained at: NIH; Wills Eye Hospital, PA, USA; University of Florida in Gainesville; UCSF, S-F, CA, USA; Johns Hopkins University, Bal more, MD, USA. He was an Execu ve Secretary-in-Chief of the Editorial Board, Biomedical Science, an interna onal journal published jointly by the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. At present, he is a Director of the Center for Personalized Medicine, Sechenov University and Chair in the Dept. for Transla onal Medicine at Moscow Engineering Physical Ins tute (MEPhI), Russia. He is a member of New York Academy of Sciences, USA; American Chemical Society (ACS), USA; American Heart Associa on (AHA), USA; EPMA (European Associa on for Predic ve, Preven ve and Personalized Medicine), Brussels, EU; ARVO (American Associa on for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology); ISER (Interna onal Society for Eye Research); PMC (Personalized Medicine Coali on), Washington, USA.


Abs against myelin basic protein (MBP), cardiac myosine (CM) and thyroid Ags (TPO, T3 and T4) endowing with proteoly c ac vity (Ab-proteases) are of great value to monitor chronic autoimmune in‚ amma on and to thus illustrate the evolu on of either of the above-men oned autoimmune disorders. Ab-proteases from MS, AIM and AIT pa ents exhibited specific proteoly c cleavage of MBP, CM and thyroid Ags (T3, T3, TPO), respec vely The ac vity of the Ab-proteases markedly differs between: (i) the pa ents and healthy controls, and (ii) different clinical courses, to to predict transforma on prior to changes of the clinical course. The activity of Ab-proteases wasfirst registered at the subclinical stages 1-5 years (regardless to type of the disorder) prior to the clinical illness. Some (12-24%) of the direct disease-related rela ves are seroposi ve for low-ac ve Ab-proteases from which seroposi ve rela ves established.
were being monitored for 2-3 years whilst demonstra ng a stable growth of the Ab-associated proteoly c ac vity. We saw also low-ac ve Ab-proteases in persons at MS-, AIM- and AIT-related risks (at the subclinical stages), and primary clinical, ultrasonic and MRT manifesta ons observed were coincided with the ac vity to have its mid-level reached. The ac vity of Ab-proteases would confirm a high subclinical and predic ve value of the transla onal tools as applicable for personalized monitoring protocols. Ab-proteases can be programmed and re-programmed to suit the needs of the body metabolism. Of tremendous value are Ab-proteases directly accecing the physiologic remodeling of  ssues with mul level architecture. Further studies on targeted Abmediated proteolysis may provide a supplementary tool for predic ng exacerba ons and thus the disability of the MS, AIM and AIT pa ents.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Suruchi Garg photo

Suruchi Garg

Aura Skin Instiute, India

Title: Platelet-rich plasma - An ‘Elixir’ for treatment of alopecia: Personal experience on 117 patients with review of literature


Dr. Suruchi Garg Gupta is the Founder Director and Chief Consultant Dermatologist and Hair Transplant Surgeon at Aura Skin Ins tute. A scholar throughout her career, she is a board certified Dermatologist from world renowned and India's premier ter ary care Postgraduate Ins tute of Medical Educa on and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh. She spent around 6 years at this ins tute and then also worked as Senior Consultant Dermatologist and Cosmetologist at For s Hospital, Mohali.She is an interna onally trained Dermato-Laser and Hair transplant surgeon. She has taken advanced training (certified) at USA, Europe and Israel and has been bestowed with many pres gious na onal and interna onal honors for her extraordinary and consistent contribu ons in the field of laser treatments, body contouring and Hair Transplant. Dr. Suruchi has introduced many latest laser treatments at Chandigarh, few of them being first in the country.


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has emerged as a new treatment modality in regenera ve plas c surgery and dermatology. PRP is a simple, cost-effective and feasible treatment op on with high pa ent sa sfac on for hair loss and can be regarded as a valuable adjuvant treatment modality for androgenic alopecia and other types of non-scarring alopecias. Authors have proposed a hair model termed “Golden anchorage with ‘molecular locking’ of ectodermal and mesenchymal components for survival and integrity of hair follicle (HF)” in
this ar cle. Golden anchorage comprises of bulge stem cells, ectodermal basement membrane and bulge por on of APM. PRP with its autologous supply of millions of growth factors works on ‘Golden anchorage’ along with kera nocytes (PDGF), dermal papilla (IGF and broblast growth factor), vasculature (VEGF and PDGF) and neural cells (Nerve Growth Factor) in a mul pronged manner serving as an ‘elixir’ for hair growth and improving overall environment.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Mira Bajirova photo

Mira Bajirova


Title: Breast cancer: Ruqya and nega ve ions treatment


Dr Mira Bajirova, Associate Professor, Consultant IVF, Ob-Gyn from Paris, France. Born in Kazakhstan, moved to Moscow for Medical Studies and Science studies, PhD. A er spending 13 years in Moscow, moved to Paris in 1989. Medical and PhD were not recognized.  New language. Started from the cleaner job, then caregiver, then studied to obtain the nurse Diploma and entered to the Paris University and a er studying again 13 years, obtained 9 French Diplomas and Certificates. In Total 14 University diplomas and Certificates. In France worked with Prof Frydman who did the 2nd IVF in the World, with Prof Pouly, French IVF Society President. On the Na onal Compe  on on the Country level in 2001 to become Assistant Professor was on 2nd place. Did Na onal Science Study: ICSI and Children, which was preselected for European Award by ESHRE in 2001 and orally presented in Lausanne, Switzerland. Special interest in Alterna ve treatment by Nega ve Ions since 2010.  Miraculous effects of the Nega ve Ions on Female and Male Infer lity, Premature Menopause, Infec ons, Cervical Dysplasia and even Cancer were published in 2017 and 2018 in Interna onal Journals. 35 publica ons, 6 Oral presenta ons, Interna onal experience: USA, UK, China, Vietnam, Russia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates. Interested by Allah's Treatment: Ruqya and Nega ve Ions. Last presenta on as an Interna onal Speaker in Japan.


The causes of Breast Cancer (and almost of all diseases) are Decreased Oxygen U liza on and Jinn. Decreased Oxygen U liza on is induced by Posi ve Ions, everything man-made. The Nega ve Ions are the best against Posi ve Ions. Posi ve Ions cause acidosis and hypoxia, inamma on inducing consequently the diseases. The Nega ve Ions are abundant in the clean nature (rain, waterfall, sea, forest) and there are many Nega ve Ions products. Allah says:''(Remember) when
He overwhelmed you with drowsiness (giving) security from Him and sent down upon you from the sky, rain by which to purify you and remove from you the evil (sugges ons) of Satan and to make steadfast your hearts and plant confirmly thereby your feet'' (Quran, Al-Anfal 8:11). Ruqya is a cure from Allah for all diseases.''Allah has not sent down any disease but He has also sent down the cure; the one who knows it, knows it and the one who does not know it, does not know i''.

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Hayes Jillian photo

Hayes Jillian

Hamad Medical Corporaon, UAE

Title: Breathing controlled cardiac sparing for pa ents undergoing le sided breast radiotherapy, theory and prac ce of a voluntary inspira on breath-hold technique (VIBH)


Hayes Jillian has graduated from Trinity College Dublin (University of Dublin) in 2003 with first class honours. She has worked interna onally and regionally as a radia on therapist and completed her master's degree whilst working full- me at the front line of NHS pa ent care service at the Royal Marsden NHS Founda on Trust, London. She has achieved many commenda ons for her academic and professional pursuits and has much experience presen ng clinical research and prac ce interna onall


Due to the overall improvements in breast cancer treatment, long-term cause specificc survival has improved significantly over the past few decades. Radiotherapy is an essen al component of mul modal breast cancer treatment. However, with the increasing use of radiotherapy and the larger number of women surviving for many years a er treatment, more pa ents are at risk of developing chronic toxici es associated with their care. In par cular, toxici es to the heart carry the poten al for reduced survival. In conven onal breast radiotherapy the pa ent is breathing freely, however, several techniques have recently been used to reduce the volume of cardiac  ssue in the radia on field. Amongst them is Voluntary Inspira on Breath Hold (VIBH), where the pa ent holds a quanfied inspira on for the dura on of treatment delivery. By holding inspira on during beam on, the distance between the chest wall and cardiac structures is increased. This increased distance can be exploited in order to reduce the radia on dose received by the heart. VIBH is an evidence based, simple, inexpensive, and equipment free breath holding technique, with proven inter and intrafrac on reproducibility. Breath hold consistency is monitored prior to and during radiotherapy delivery by means of in room treatment lasers and imaging. Dosimetric studies demonstrate a reduc on in dose to cardiac  ssue when VIBH is applied without compromise of target volume coverage. This presenta on presents background analysis of the need for cardiac sparing techniques in le sided breast radiotherapy along with prac cal insights with respect to its real  me clinical applica on of the VIBH technique.