Title: Fabrication of a Novel “All in One Glove†– A Functional Tool for Oral Hygiene Maintenance and the Assessment of Its Effectiveness on Plaque Control in Cerebral Palsy Patients.
Post graduation in the field of Periodontics, India
Cerebral palsy (CP), a neurological condition resulting from non-progressive brain injury or malformation during developmental stages, predominantly impacts various aspects of body movement, muscle coordination, tone, reflex, posture, balance, and both fine and gross motor skills. Individuals with spastic cerebral palsy experience spasticity affecting both upper and lower limbs. When this spasticity affects the upper limb, it creates challenges in executing routine tasks, leading to complications in precision grip, grasping ability, and muscle coordination, particularly hindering the efficient use of a toothbrush. In response to these challenges hampering proper oral hygiene upkeep, a groundbreaking concept emerged—a visionary "all in one glove" designed to revolutionize oral care for cerebral palsy patients. A 3D model of this innovative glove has been crafted, featuring customizable measurements to accommodate varying hand sizes. The glove also incorporates strategically placed openings to house oral hygiene tools. This avant-garde "all in one glove" integrates toothbrushes, gum massagers, and interdental aids, all linked to vibrators powered by a 3.7V lithium battery. This cutting-edge oral hygiene glove facilitates comprehensive oral care in a single application, proving not only effective for cerebral palsy patients but also beneficial for individuals facing challenges in manual dexterity. It stands as a testament to inventive solutions addressing the unique needs of those with compromised motor skills. This innovative creation has secured a patent, attesting to its unique and original nature.
About the author – I Dr. Sucharitha Palanisamy, currently pursuing Post graduation in the field of Periodontics. My unwavering dedication centers around prioritizing dental hygiene and care for individuals with special health care needs. I have consistently focused on contributing to the oral health of those with special requirements, aiming to satisfy a lasting hunger for improved care. This innovative initiative is crafted to simplify oral hygiene practices for individuals with special health care needs, playing a pivotal role in self-motivating patients toward comprehensive oral care.