2nd International Conference on

Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence

Heinz-Peter Schultheiss

Heinz-Peter Schultheiss

Institute for Cardiac Diagnostics and Therapy


Heinz-Peter Schultheiss is an international expert in the field of myocarditis and diagnostics of myocardial biopsies. From 1994-2014 he was the director of Department of Cardiology and Pneumology, Charita University of medicine Berlin. He is the founder and CEO of the Institute for Cardiac Diagnostics and Therapy (IKDT) in Berlin, Germany. IKDT is one of the leading diagnostic laboratories for viral infections and inflammation of heart muscle tissue. He is member and was chairman of several national and international, scientific and clinical Societies and Principle Investigator of multiple Clinical Studies. Publications: Number of publications >550 high ranking PubMed listed, several book chapters.

Research Interest

Cardiology and Pneumology

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