6th International Conference on

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Adam Ramsey

Adam Ramsey

Head of Urogynecology Chicago Incontinence Center


Dr. Ramsey is the head of the Urogynecology Unit of the Chicago Incontinence Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Currently, his clinical and research interests are focused in the field of Urodynamic Assessment of Recurrent Urinary Incontinence, Botox therapy for overactive bladder, and Menopausal Urogenital Atrophy and its Urogynecological Sequelae. Additionally, Dr. Ramsey has recently incorporated Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation technology into the management of Urogenital Atrophy as well as Mild Stress Urinary Incontinence. Dr. Ramsey’s medical training spans four (4) continents and six (6) countries, as he obtained his basic medical education and his Medical Degree MB., ChB. from Ainshams University, Cairo, Egypt. Moreover, Dr. Ramsey’s Ob/Gyn. credentials are supported by his extensive training and professional experiences from Universities in London, England, UK, ; Dublin, Ireland, ; Boston, Massachusetts USA, ; Dunedin, New Zealand, ; Canberra, Australia, ; and finally, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Research Interest

Urodynamic Assessment of Recurrent Urinary Incontinence, Botox therapy for overactive bladder, and Menopausal Urogenital Atrophy and its Urogynecological Sequelae Urodynamic Assessment of Recurrent Urinary Incontinence, Botox therapy for overactive bladder, and Menopausal Urogenital Atrophy and its Urogynecological Sequelae