Awadhesh Pandey has completed Post-gradua on at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India & DNB at pres gious Nizam’s Ins tute of medical sciences, India. Dr. Pandey has twice been awarded as a young scien st while was a faculty at the Nizam’s Ins tute of medical sciences, Hyderabad. He has 13 publica ons in interna onal and na onal journals with a review ar cle in Indian journal of nephrology. Dr. Pandey has more than 200 oral presenta ons to his credit in na onal & interna onal conferences.
Myocardial viability categorized into 5 categories such as normal myocardium, reversibly ischaemic myocardium, peri infarct ischaemic myocardium, stunned myocardium, hiberna ng myocardium. In this era of mul modality and mul parametric imaging heave with a spectrum of imaging modali es to choose from, nuclear imaging delivers best results as far as Viability imaging is concerned as Viability is a physiological phenomenon that can be imaged directly with a physiological imaging modality (SPECT AND PET). Anatomical modali es “claim” to assess viability but with limited results. Accurate pre-op assessment can deliver best results for pa ent standing on a
“T” junc on of medical vs. interven onal management, thus the dilemma resolved and the clinician conï¬ dently can go ahead with the right choice of therapy. If revascularisa on is contemplated and viable myocardium present the resultant beneï¬ t of improvement in quality of life can be conï¬ dently arrived at in a preopera ve scenario. Viable myocardium is located anatomically in the sub epicardial layers of the le ventricular wall, above the infarct in the sub endocardial layers in the distribu on of a steno c coronary artery. Thallium 201, 99m Tc SESTA MIBI, 18-F FDG are few radio tracers used to determine myocardial viability, the “gold standard” being 18 F FDG according to literature.
Current Trends in Cardiology
Cardiac Surgery
Cardiac Engineering, Biomimetic and Implants
Cardiac Nutrition and Public Health
Cardiology Genetics
Brain-Heart disorders and Neurocardiology
Pediatric & Fetal Cardiology
Clinical Cardiology: Pharmacology and Toxicology
Diagnostics, Cardiac Imaging and Nuclear Cardiology