Annual Next Gen Immuno-Oncology Congress

Abdel-Hai Benali

Abdel-Hai Benali

Assistant Professor
University of Echahid Hama Lakhdar


He earned a State Engineer degree, in Processes Engineering, a M.Sc. in Medical Physics and now in in the final step of the PhD in Medical Physics from University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB).Concern the scientific production, he has many publications in different journals such as European Physical Journal (EPJ Web of Conference), European Journal of Medical Physics (Physica Medica) and Journal of Instrumentation (JINST). For the communication, he participated in different international conferences such as IMIC2013 (Vienna, Austria), TESNAT2015 (Osmaniye, Turkey), ECMP2016 (Athens-Greece), ICRA2017 (Algiers, Algeria), SIPM2018 (El-oued, Algeria) and SNTMA2018(El-oued, Algeria). Concern competencies, for data processing: he is programming in languages FORTRAN and C++, and mastered the simulation Monte Carlo with code MCNP. For experimental techniques: I has experience in control tools in medical physics such as characterization of the scanographic installations (CT scanner) and calibration of the dosimeters and radiation beams in radiotherapy

Research Interest

Radiation Protection ,Oncology (Radiation therapy),Applied Physics: Medical Physics, Biophysics and Healthcare Technologies Computational Physics and Numerical Simulation

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