International Conference on

Metabolomics & Systems Biology

Luis Alberto Lightbourn Rojas

Luis Alberto Lightbourn Rojas

Instituto de Investigacion Lightbourn


Luis Lightbourn, president of the Instituto de Investigacion Lightbourn located at Mexico, he is an expert in microbial biotechnology, food safety, genomics, cell biology and has over 30 years of experience in biochemistry and molecular biology. Throughout his research career he has focused on apply metagenomic approach to food pathogen detection utilizing NGS as an analytical tool. He has made a major contribution to understanding the molecular microbial association-microbial interactions. Doctor Lightbourn has a range of expertise that has attracted invitations to contribute to a wide range of activities, including assessment of research strategy, industry consultation and government advice.

Research Interest

Microbial biotechnology, Food safety, Genomics, Cell biology

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