Annual Congress on

Midwifery and Women`s Health

Myrna Martin

Myrna Martin

Earth Sky Foundation


Myrna Martin is a Family Therapist, Teacher of Pre and Perinatal Psychology, and an approved teacher of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. She teaches across the USA and Canada, United Kingdom, Taiwan, New Zealand and Europe. The fields she focuses on includes pre and perinatal therapy with focus on the early developmental trauma resolution model. She has taught a two and a half year training in Pre and Perinatal Psychology (PPN) 7 times. Her next training will be in Santa Cruz, CA. beginning in Nov. 2018. Myrna has produced an 80 hour video series "Healing Early Developmental Trauma" which include hundreds of pages of notes, articles and references as well as group support calls. In July 2014 Myrna began three levels of two week intensives in PPN that includes theoretical knowledge, as well as in depth personal exploration of participant's own early history, in a residential format at her Retreat Center in Nelson, BC. Please see Myrna's website for more details or email Myrna at You can also consider hosting Myrna and a Process Workshop. Visit this link for more details:

Research Interest

Myrna offers courses in biodynamic craniosacral therapy; prenatal/birth/attachment therapy and trauma resolution therapies.

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