8th International Conference on

Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

Md Jamal Uddin

Md Jamal Uddin

Ewha Womans University
South Korea


Dr. Md Jamal Uddin is currently working as Research Professor at Ewha Womans University, South Korea since 2015. He is working on molecular mechanisms involved with various diseases and therapeutic strategies. Dr. Uddin has accomplished his PhD in 2013, Postdoc in 2015, and Senior Scientist position in 2015 on Biological Sciences from the University of Ulsan, South Korea. He has completed his BSc and MS degree in the discipline of Animal Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh in 2005. During 2005-2009, he worked at various prestigious institutes like Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI), Bangladesh; Gyeongsang National University, South Korea; and so on. Dr. Uddin received the Korea Research Fellowship (KRF) at the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea (grant No. 2015H1D3A1062189). Recently, he also has received the most prestigious Brain Pool (BP) Fellowship at the National Research Foundation of Korea (grant No. 2020H1D3A2A02110924). In addition, he has successfully completed his own NRF research grant No. 2017R1D1A1B03028835 (~150,000USD) during his KRF tenure, and now he has awarded another NRF research grant No. 2020R1I1A1A01072879 (~200,000USD). He has participated as a distinct or invited speaker in various international conferences and seminars. He is a permanent resident of Korea.

Research Interest

Since 2005, Dr. Uddin has been working in the area of biotechnology, biomedical sciences, pharmacology, and reproductive biology. Importantly, he is a founder and Co-Editor-in-Chief at the Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics (Scopus indexed and enlisted in PubMed) and working as a reviewer in various peer-reviewed international journals.

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