Professor and Director
Orleans University,
Ridha HAMBLI is currently a Professor of Biomechanics and the Director of the Research group of Biomechanics and mechanobiology of bone at LaMe Laboratory in Orleans University in France. He studied Mechanical engineering at Ecole Centrale de Nantes in France and he received his doctoral degree in 1996 from Ecole National Superieur des Arts et Metiers of Angers, France. Subsequently, he worked as a project manager in Ecole National Superieur des Arts et Metiers for two years and than as associate professor at Institut des Sciences et Techniques d'Angers - France. In 2006, he moved to University of Orleans as a full professor where he was involved in teaching and research activities related to biomechanics and mechanobiology of bone. He is an author of about 150 refereed publications and abstracts in international scientific journals and conferences proceedings. He organized several research events and symposiums in relation with his research activities and he acts as a reviewer in several international journals. He also acts as reviewer expert for several organizations in the field of biomechanics.
Prof Hambli's main research activities lie in the finite element multiscale modeling of the human bone behavior considering the remodeling process, the drug modeling and the fracture. The scales range from the ultrastructure to the whole bone organ. His recent research focuses on the development of mechanobiological modeling algorithms considering explicitly the effects of the bone cells activities on the bone adaptation process and the associated risk of fracture under side fall. The approach is used to investigate the effect of some bone drugs on the bone quality for a given patient and bone cancer.
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