Annual Meeting on

Biotechnology and Bioeconomy

Manolescu Nicolae

Manolescu Nicolae

One Health New Medical Concept Association


Professor Nicolae Manolescu, a veterinarian, is the one of the pioneers for several sciences and innovation domains in Romania: comparative oncology (started over 50 years ago), comparative medicine, electronic microscopy and One Health. His entire life has been dedicated to science and education, standing as one of Romania’s leaders in his fields of expertise. He was the only veterinarian elected in a director’s position of an important European medical human structure (European Forum for Human Cancer Investigations – Nottingham U.K., 1998-2000 and 2000-2002. Professor’s Manolescu with international structures continues with participating as an expert of the EU for bioterrorism issues (2003), as a European expert in oncology (2003), a FAO expert since 2010. Professor Manolescu has participated, with different responsibilities, (member, vicepresident, secretary general and president) in 21 international and 30 national scientific events. His professional career also account for over 500 articles and publications, 25 scientific books and 10 patents. His activity has been internationally recognized by being accepted as a correspondent member of the National Academy of Medicine in France (2013), receiving the International “Nicola Tesla” award (1980), alongside numerous other distinctions. He was the pioneer of the digital color imagistic of the present electronic microscopy, by obtaining the first analogue pseudo-color images of cells and viruses (1983), a premiere for international biology and medicine. He was also the first to capture in SEM (scanning electron microscope), in 1978, the images of the “cellular killer phenomenon”. Also,in 2002, he was the founder of the second Institute of Comparative Medicine in the world.

Research Interest

His research interest are accounts for veterinary and human pathology, histology,physiology, anatomy, biotechnology and technological transfer.

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