Annual Biomarkers Congress

Carlo A. Trugenberger

Carlo A. Trugenberger

Geneva university


Carlo A. Trugenberger earned his Ph.D in Theoretical Physics in 1988 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich and his Master in Economics in 1997 at Bocconi University, Milano. An international academic career in theoretical physics (MIT, Los Alamos Nat. Lab., CERN Geneva, Max Planck Institut Münich) lead him to the position of associate professor of theoretical physics at Geneva university. In 2001 he decided to quit academia and to exploit his expertise in information theory, neural networks and machine intelligence to design an innovative semantic technology and to co-found the company InfoCodex Semantic Technologies AG. His scientific work has been recognized in the press and the semantic technology he co-designed has won international benchmarks and awards.

Research Interest


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