Webinar on

Lifestyle diseases and Medicine

July 27, 2021

Scientific Program

Keynote Session:

Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Patricia Cove photo

Patricia Cove

Lifestyle Regenerate me, Canada

Title: Making Youthing Doable


With 30+ years as a Mental Health Trauma Therapist, Patricia realized that there was insufficient capacity in that role to give people what they needed to be fully in charge of their total health. She embarked on a 10-year journey of studying valid Functional research to increase her ability to empower people with the proper knowledge, tools, and resources to allow them to be more in charge of their whole health.


Age is not the definitive factor it’s made out to be when it comes to our health. Getting older is inevitable, but aging is not. What society thinks of as aging poor memory, weight gain, aches and pains, decreased mobility, wrinkly skin, is abnormal aging, and it doesn’t have to be this way.
The problem is that the general public are not getting the information they need to make more conscious decisions on how they can be more in control of their health. They are informed by advertising, their parents habits derived from misinformation, the Governments misrepresented guidelines, and their doctor’s perspective limited by the Medical Board.
The intention of this talk would be to briefly outline some of the epigenetic factors that contribute to the pathways to disease and health, then present simple ways, without prejudice, of regeneration from recent research that are affordable and doable in a manner that can engage the general public to be more proactive in their self-care NOW before they have devastating symptoms. I will introduce topics of Interval Fasting engaging autophagy, Interval Exercising utilizing nitric oxide, and three main ways of assisting Stem cell growth.
The body wants to come back to homeostasis and wants to not just be good, it wants to be great. People will discover that it is possible to live younger longer with vitality Youthing.


Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker John E. Lewis photo

John E. Lewis

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, USA

Title: Food as Medicine


John E. Lewis, Ph.D. is the founder and chief science officer of Nurish. Me Inc. He is also a past full-time associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences at the University Of Miami Miller School Of Medicine and now remains as a voluntary associate professor. He is a diplomate, faculty member, and advisor of the Medical Wellness Association. Dr. Lewis has been the principal investigator of multiple nutrition, dietary supplement, exercise training, and medical device clinical trials and studies in the last 2 decades.


This lecture will feature some of the latest nutrition science information, starting with some of the basic facts and principles around nutrition and dietary behaviours, the links between inadequate nutrition and chronic diseases, the benefits of dietary supplementation, the importance of bioavailability of active ingredients, and why certain polysaccharides are crucial for health. Dr. Lewis will discuss the results of his extensive line of research on how polysaccharides modulate the immune system and other organ systems in the context of patients with Alzheimers, HIV, MS, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and healthy adults. Having a proper understanding of the evidence base of nutrition and dietary supplementation and their relationships to chronic disease is important for all allied health practitioners and wellness industry professionals, especially considering all of the marketing hype around diet, food, and dietary supplements. Dr. Lewis lecture provides attendees an evidence-based review of nutrition science that emphasizes some recent important findings that have an impact on health and quality of life.
Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Alka Patel photo

Alka Patel

British Society of Lifestyle Medicine, UK

Title:  JOY AT WORK - the WHAT, the WHY and the HOW of self-care and self-compassion for the MEDICAL PROFESSION using the L.I.F.E.S.T.Y.L.E FIRST Method


Alka   Patel   is   a   GP,   Health   Coach   and   Lifestyle   Medicine Physician  in  the  UK.  She  is  a  Regional  Director  of  the  British Society  of  Lifestyle  Medicine,  a  Member  of  the  Royal  College  of GPs  Wellbeing  Committee  and  a  GP  for  the  Practitioner  Health Service  providing  a  confidential  service  to  doctors  and  dentist suffering with significant mental health issues and addictions. 


Joy at work is about meaning and purpose and connection and ensuring that caring and healing, which is the essence of what physicians do, is a naturally joyful activity. And it centres on realising the critical value of self-care and self-compassion.
Medicine is an incredibly rewarding profession but the pressures can sometimes be too hard to bear and the question that remains is how can you circumvent these pressures and avoid the burnout and mental decline that affects so many?
We need to value and prioritise our own self-care and self- compassion as a profession and consider joy at wok to be an essential, not a luxury item.
The most joyful people at work are the most productive and engaged and feel both physically and psychologically safe, appreciate the meaning and purpose of their work, have some choice and control over their time, experience camaraderie with others at work, and perceive their work life to be fair and equitable.


Meetings International -  Conference Keynote Speaker Joana Macena photo

Joana Macena

Global Wellness Institute, Brazil

Title: How Tantra and Belly Dance Affect Hormones and Well-Being


Joana Macena has been working on wellness market for 10 years as a doctor specialized in orthomolecular medicine and member of American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Powerful tools on wellbeing, following Lifestyle Medicine criteria, has been her practice even before graduate. Being vegan, yoga practitioner and belly dancer, she can feel the benefits on her own life. Easily showing up as yoga lifestyle ambassador.


Fitness/mind-body market is valued in $828.2 billion globally, by GWI in 2019. This report connects benefits of belly dance and tantra, both mental and physical. Belly dancing provides good cardio workout, increases flexibility and strength "core muscles" and legs. As low-impact exercise, can be suitable for women at any age, also increasing bone density and preventing osteoporosis. Due to the constant twisting and turning of the spine during repetitive undulations of hips and torso, there is an increased release of synovial fluid. Movements can also stimulate digestion flow and prepare for natural birth by opening hips and strengthen muscles used for better orgasms. Mental health benefits are associated with better body image, focus and concentration required to choreography. Enjoyable and fun way to meditate, getting in touch with inner feminine energy, it greatly reduces stress levels.

Oral Session 1:



Patricia Cove

Lifestyle Regenerate me, Canada



John E. Lewis

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, USA