We take pride in announcing our International Conference on Cardiology scheduled during October 25-26, 2021 in Berlin, Germany which includes stimulating keynote presentations, Oral talks, Workshops/Symposia, Poster presentations, and Exhibitions. The conference is mainly focused on designing strategies to overcome arrhythmias and cardiac arrest. Cardiology 2021 is the outstanding event that brings the most professionals, experts, and researchers, both from academia and industry across the world to share their knowledge, expertise, and research views in this conference.
The meeting covers a large area of knowledge in the field not only of cardiology and its related disciplines like hematology, neurology. We deem to pay particular attention to new technologies, such as innovative devices, new communicating tools, and biological research. The presence of opinion leaders and experts from all around the world shall ensure the success of the meeting. So there would be no reason for not joining the finest Cardiology Meeting ever.
The cardiovascular disease market, which includes various numbers of disorders like Cardiology, coronary artery disorders, cardiac arrest, dyslipidemia and thrombotic events, is set to grow from $129.2 billion in 2015 to $146.4 billion by 2022, at a very modest compound annual growth rate of 1.8%, according to business intelligence provider GBI Research.
The global cardiology market size was valued at USD 116.9 billion in 2017 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% over the determined forecast period 2017-2022. Increase in the generality of Congenital Heart Defects and the presence of technologically advanced cardiology and cardiovascular valves, grafts, and patches are among fundamental factors expected to drive development over the forecast period.
According to the WHO report in May 2018, the mortality rate of the population in Asia and the Middle East region is due to the increase in cardiology diseases.With new drugs and devices entering the market, there is rapid growth in the global cardiology therapeutics market. Diabetes is one of the major factors leading to the current cardiovascular disease epidemic according to our cardiology market research expert. The growing number of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart attack is the major section leading to the growth of the cardiology failure market. The cardiology market size is expected to grow in the coming years due to the potential breakthrough of newly authorized drugs entering the market.
Transplantation, approximately 500-600 pediatric heart transplantation procedures are performed globally every year, which represents around 12% of the total number of heart transplants performed among all the patients. And in 2014, a total number of pediatric heart transplants execute globally was 586. In children, the most often caused by heart failure is occurred owing to a congenital heart defect or cardiomyopathy. Thus this increasing rate of heart failure has increased the fatality rate in children with this disorder.
The global market for a heart transplant is expected to grow at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 11.2% during the forecast period of 2017-2023. The global Interventional Cardiology market is anticipated to grow at a steady rate and will post a CAGR of more than 7% during the forecast period. The growing demand for minimally invasive (MI) procedures will drive the growth prospects for the global Interventional Cardiology market in the forthcoming years.
Scope and Importance
Cardiology is an ever-developing branch in the field of medicine. People in this era both young and old are vulnerable to heart disorders which are mainly due to their lifestyle and improper hygiene. In order to tackle these diseases and its causes, the study of Cardiology has gained high importance in the course of time. Interventional cardiology is a part of cardiology which uses minimally invasive methods to correct disorders with the use of a catheter which helps doctors and patients to have the surgery done with less blood loss and minimal risk.
Some of the scientific advancements are also expected to drive the cardiac surgery devices market in the fields of material sciences, interventional cardiology, and cryopreservation. The utility of expanded Polytetrafluoroethylene for cardiovascular patches, the introduction of transcatheter heart valves, and the process of minimally invasive technologies, such as transcatheter aortic valve implantation or transcatheter aortic valve replacement, are among few elements expected to raise the growth over the predicted period. In addition, modification in cryopreservation methods by key performers such as CryoLife is among major technological advancements in cardiac Surgery therapies that are expected to positively influence the market.
Related Societies:
American College of Cardiology, American Society of Hypertension, American Society of Nephrology, Council for the High Blood Pressure Research of the AHA, The International Society of Hypertension, Abiomed, Alliance for Heart Failure, American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion, American Heart Association, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology, Association for Inherited Cardiac Conditions, Atrial Fibrillation Association, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Heart Failure Society of America, University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Heart Rhythm Society, Heart Support of America, Interamerican Society of Cardiology, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, Congenital Heart Surgeons' Society, Mended Hearts, Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, The Texas Heart Institute.
European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, European Society of Cardiology, Heart Research UK, Resuscitation Council (UK), Blood Pressure Association, British Cardiovascular Society, British Heart Foundation, Cardiac Risk in the Young, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie, GISSI, Heart and Diabetes Center North Rhine-Westphalia, Heart Institute, University of São Paulo, Institute of Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences, Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, Lourdes Heart Institute, Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal Heart Institute Foundation, Mount Sinai Medical Center (Miami), National Heart Forum, National Heart Foundation of New Zealand, Surgeons of Hope, Tiny Tickers, West of Scotland Heart and Lung Centre.
Cardiovascular System Dynamics Society, Corindus Vascular Robotics, Heart and Diabetes Center North Rhine-Westphalia, Heart Research Institute, National Heart Foundation, National Heart Institute, Philippine Heart Center, Tanzania Heart Institute, Uganda Heart Institute, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, UAE Cardiology heart forum, Egyptian Society of Cardiology, Emirates Cardiac Society, Gulf Heart Association, Saudi Arabia Cardiology society, Heart Valve Society, Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Saudi Heart Association.
International Society for Heart Research, Krishna Heart Institute, National Heart Foundation (Bangladesh), National Heart Foundation of Australia, Rabindranath Tagore International Institute of Cardiac Sciences, Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research, Multan Institute of Cardiology, Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology, Asian Pacific Society of Interventional Cardiology. Asia Pacific Heart Rhythm Society (APHRS), Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology, Asean Federation Of Cardiology, Asia-Pacific pediatric cardiac society, Taiwan Society of Cardiology, Association of Physician Assistants in Cardiology.
Top Cardiology Universities
Top Cardiology Universities in Asia
Top Cardiology Universities in Europe
Top Cardiology Hospitals in the World:
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Meetings International has always been at the forefront to support and encourage the scientific and techno researchers to march forward with their research work. Cardiology 2021 conference offers various awards as reorganization to exceptional researcher and their research work. We invite all enthusiastic researchers from all around the world join us for the International Conference on Cardiology scheduled in Berlin, Germany during October 25-26, 2021.
Eminent Key Note Speaker Award:
Cardiology 2021 will confer the Model Key Note Speaker Award to the researchers who have spent a considerable time of their academic life towards the research related to conference topic. Key note speaker award is for the researchers/speakers who have done all the hard work behind the scene. It will be a small clap for their dedication and hard work.
Outstanding Speaker Award:
Cardiology 2021 will bestow model speaker award to those researchers who have made significant contribution towards the conference topic during their research period as well as presented the research topic in an impressive way in the oral presentation during the summit. It will be an apt appreciation from the Jury as well as from the delegates. The award they receive will motivate them to march forward with the research work.
Model Organizing Committee Member Award:
Cardiology 2021 will take this opportunity to facilitate eminent experts from this field with the model Organizing Committee Member award for their phenomenal contribution towards the society through their academic research. This will be a trivial but significant reorganization of their dedication and discipline.
Promising Young Researcher Award:
The motive of this Award during the Cardiology 2021 is to appreciate research work of the budding young researcher who is continuing their research work to create a better society. The award will provide them a tremendous amount of encouragement to keep moving forward. Educative Poster Award:
The educative poster award for the Cardiology 2021 will be endorsement for those who wishes to display their research paper through a poster and will act as a guiding force those researchers. The award will be presented to the most informative and educative research poster.
The awards will be assessed as far as plan and format, intelligence, argumentation and approach, familiarity with past work, engaging quality, message and primary concerns, parity of content visuals, and by and large impression.
Each poster should be approximately 1x1 M long. The title, contents and the author’s information should be clearly visible from a distance of 1-2 feet.
Meetings International is announcing Young Scientist Awards through “International Conference on Cardiology” (Cardiology 2021) which is scheduled in Berlin, Germany during October 25-26, 2021. The conference is mainly focused on designing strategies to overcome arrhythmias and cardiac arrest.” Cardiology 2021 and upcoming conferences will recognize participants who have significantly added value to the scientific community of Cardiology and provide them outstanding Young Scientist Awards.
The Young Scientist Award will provide a strong professional development opportunity for young researches by meeting experts to exchange and share their experiences at our international conferences. Cardiology 2021 aims on the level of thought that individual patients need at various centers in their course. Clinical decision guidelines are generally perceived as best practice for an inexorably normal nearness in the biomedical composition. Cardiology conference organizing committee conference is providing a platform for all the budding young researchers, young investigators, post-graduate/Master students, PhD. students and trainees to showcase their research and innovation. Eligibility: Young Scientists, faculty members, post-doctoral fellows, PhD scholars and bright Final Year MSc and M.Phil. Candidates. Persons from Scientific Industry can also participate. Benefits: The Young Scientist Feature is a platform to promote young researchers in their respective area by giving them a chance to present their achievements and future perspectives.
The awards will be assessed as far as plan and format, intelligence, argumentation and approach, familiarity with past work, engaging quality, message and primary concerns, parity of content visuals, and by and large impression.
Conditions of Acceptance: To receive the award, the awardee must submit the presentation for which the award is given, for publication at the website, along with author permission. Failure to submit the PPT and permission within the designated timeframe will result in forfeiture of award. Award Announcements: Official announcement of the recipients will occur after the completion of Cardiology Conference.