Sessions 1: Cross-Cultural Education:
Cross-cultural education involves not only learning at different cultural institutions but also learning about different cultures. Cross-cultural education is commonly found in numerous foreign-language classes. Language influences the possibility of intracultural or intercultural understanding and language learning requires proper understanding of context and culture where the language is being used. Many second or foreign-language classes strive to bring cross-cultural education into the classroom to be able to enhance student language learning.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
EERA European Educational Research Association, Europe; European Society for Engineering Education, Europe; An International Association for Medical Education, Europe; American Educational Research Association, USA; Asia Northwest Cultural Education Association, Asia
Sessions 2: Education Development:
Education Development in youth work plans to help youngsters to expand their mindfulness and comprehension. It challenges impression of the world and urges youngsters to represent an all the more just and equivalent society at a national and a worldwide dimension.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
World Council of Comparative Education Societies, Europe; Asia Pacific Multilingual Education Working Group, Asia; Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia, Asia; American Society for Engineering Education, USA; Asia Northwest Cultural Education Association, Asia; Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, USA
Sessions 3: Educational Systems and Policies:
The term “education system” includes all institutions which are concerned with the education of children, young persons and adults, in schools and tertiary level polytechnics, universities and also institutions of adult education like adult education centers. Education policy refers to the accumulation of laws and guidelines that administer the task of training frameworks. It incorporates laws just as procedures and strategies that instructive associations, neighborhood areas, states, and countries set up and pursue to accomplish scholastic objectives.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
Education - European Physical Society, Europe; World Council of Comparative Education Societies, USA; Comparative and International Education Society, USA; American Educational Research Association, USA; Center for Global Education, Asia; The Philosophy of Education Society, USA; American Society for Engineering Education, USA
Sessions 4: Educational Evaluation
Educational Evaluation is more extensive in scope and more objective than educational estimation. It is a procedure of cautiously evaluating the individual structure an assortment of data giving device.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
European Society for Engineering Education, Europe; An International Association for Medical Education, Europe; Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, USA; American Educational Research Association, USA; Asia Lutheran Education Association, Asia; Asia Education Teachers' Association, Asia
Sessions 5: Educational Leadership
Educational leadership is a work together procedure that joins the abilities and powers of educators, students and parents. The objective of instructive administration is to enhance the nature of training and the instruction framework itself.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
An International Association for Medical Education, Europe; Asia Marine Educator Association, Asia; The Philosophy of Education Society, USA; American Society for Engineering Education, USA; American Educational Research Association, USA; Asia Northwest Cultural Education Association, Asia
Sessions 6: Educational psychology
Educational psychology is the brain research of educating and learning. Educational psychology research encourages the instructor to comprehend the improvement of his students. It takes into consideration the range and points of confinement of their abilities, the procedures by which they learn, and their social connections.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
Asia Education Teachers' Association, Asia; Asia Marine Educator Association, Asia; European Society of Human Genetics, Europe; Asia Lutheran Education Association, Asia; Asia Marine Educator Association, Asia; World Council of Comparative Education Societies, Europe
Sessions 7: Educational technology
Educational technology is the examination and great every day practice concerning learning and enhancing execution by making, utilizing, and controlling mechanical strategies and assets.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
Education - European Physical Society, Europe; World Council of Comparative Education Societies, USA; Comparative and International Education Society, USA; American Educational Research Association, USA; Center for Global Education, Asia; The Philosophy of Education Society, USA; American Society for Engineering Education, USA
Sessions 8: Gender and education
Gender and education encompasses gender differences in instructive results, for example, accomplishment, fulfilment and experiences within the education system. This field additionally moves beyond the investigation of how gender influences educational outcomes and consolidates how these differences impact the labor market, family development, and wellbeing results.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
Asia Education Teachers' Association, Asia; Asia Marine Educator Association, Asia; European Society of Human Genetics, Europe; Asia Lutheran Education Association, Asia; Asia Marine Educator Association, Asia; World Council of Comparative Education Societies, Europe
Sessions 9: Sociology of Education
Sociology of Education gives instructors a more prominent comprehension of their understudies. It encourages instructors to assess their insight into where their understudies originate from. It's conceivable to have understudies from a sink estate and a middle class area together.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
An International Association for Medical Education, Europe; Asia Marine Educator Association, Asia; The Philosophy of Education Society, USA; American Society for Engineering Education, USA; American Educational Research Association, USA; Asia Northwest Cultural Education Association, Asia
Sessions 10: Urban Education
Urban Education refers to the particular circumstances, variables, components, and one of a kind requests that portray instructing and learning in substantial metropolitan territories.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
European Society for Engineering Education, Europe; An International Association for Medical Education, Europe; Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, USA; American Educational Research Association, USA; Asia Lutheran Education Association, Asia; Asia Education Teachers' Association, Asia
Sessions 11: Teaching and Learning Methods
This method alludes to the general principles, teaching method and the board methodologies utilized for classroom guidance. For a specific teaching method to be fitting and effective it must be in connection with the student and the sort of learning it should achieve. Recommendations are there to plan and choice of training strategies must consider the idea of the topic as well as how understudies learn.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
EERA European Educational Research Association, Europe; European Society for Engineering Education, Europe; An International Association for Medical Education, Europe; American Educational Research Association, USA; Asia Northwest Cultural Education Association, Asia
Sessions 12: Language Learning and Teaching:
Over time, language training has created in schools and has become a part of the education curriculum in the schools around the world. In few nations for example the United States, language training has turned into a center subject alongside principle subjects, for example, English, Math and Science.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
World Council of Comparative Education Societies, Europe; Asia Pacific Multilingual Education Working Group, Asia; Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia, Asia; American Society for Engineering Education, USA; Asia Northwest Cultural Education Association, Asia; Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, USA
Sessions 13: Distance and Blended Education:
Distance Education traditionally has focused on non-traditional students, such as full-time workers, military personnel and non-residents or individuals in remote regions who are unable to attend classroom lectures. Blended learning is a way to deal with training that joins online instructive materials and open doors for association online with customary spot based classroom techniques. It requires the physical nearness of both instructor and understudy, with a few components of understudy command after some time, spot, way, or pace.
Education Conference | Education Research Meetings | Teaching & Learning Conference | Educational Technology Conference| Education Workshop | November Conference | Singapore Conference | Meetings International
Related Societies and Associations:
Education - European Physical Society, Europe; World Council of Comparative Education Societies, USA; Comparative and International Education Society, USA; American Educational Research Association, USA; Center for Global Education, Asia; The Philosophy of Education Society, USA; American Society for Engineering Education, USA
With the school system being an integral part of the public sector, information and analysis on the education market plays an important role for both government and commercial organizations. As technological advancements and government initiatives continue to transform the industry, our reports can help one adapt to the evolving education environment. Marketresearch.com provides business intelligence on varying aspects of the industry, including data on pre-K and K-12, colleges and universities, general and special education, books and materials, e-learning, technology in education, and more. Our extensive and thorough collection of education research reports provides insights into trends, changes, projections, and opportunities across the entire market. Reports provide data on market share, segmentation, size, and growth of the United States and global education markets. Industry professionals can use our detailed reports to develop business and marketing strategies as well as identify and track world education trends. These reports can also help you answer research questions surrounding the education market.
Education is about the growth of the next generation through teaching and learning. Our database contains reports regarding different types and levels of education, the different tools used throughout the education process, as well as the business side of the sector (via company reports).
Education in USA:
The American education system offers a rich field of choices for international students. There is such an array of schools, programs and locations that the choices may overwhelm students, even those from the U.S. As you begin your school search, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the American education system. Understanding the system will help you narrow your choices and develop your education plan.
Education in Asia:
Asia offers a particularly rich context for study because countries have such different education outcomes and sectorial policies. The comparative data give countries in the region a fresh perspective for examining their progress and policies in the field of education in relation to their neighbors.
Education in Europe:
In Europe, a single-structured type of education which provides compulsory education from the beginning to the end of the path without any distinction between primary and lower secondary level. It has a provision of a common basic curriculum from primary to lower secondary education and a type of diversified lower secondary education.
Education Societies, USA:
Education Societies, Asia:
Education Societies, Europe:
University of Pancasila Jakarta
Mindanao State University, Iligan Institute of Technology
De La Salle University
Bangladesh University
University of Zululand
South Africa
Ministry of Higher Education
I-Shou University,Taiwan
Tribhuvan University, Nepal