MSD 2019 will give one of a kind picking up, systems administration and vocation building chances to specialists, experts, pharmaceutical resources, advisors, clinicians, understudies, researchers, significant affiliation, social orders, therapeutic schools and other medicinal services experts committed to the testing issues of musculoskeletal issue and treatment. The 3rd International Conference on Bone and Musculoskeletal Disorder will be held November 27-28, 2019 at Madrid, Spain. This orthopedic conference centers around different parts of provincial musculoskeletal issue, delicate tissue issue, dull movement wounds, redundant strain wounds, sports wounds, aggregate injury issue, cervicobrachial disorder, Overuse disorder, business related musculoskeletal issue, musculoskeletal scatters in the elderly, joint pain, medicate communication checker, fibromyalgia, lupus osteoarthritis, pill identifier, and so forth. MSD 2019 in Madrid will convey some genuinely champion encounters.
Tendinitis: Tendinitis is also called as tendonitis. It is an inflammation or irritation of tendon. Tendons are the tissues that attach muscles and bone these are flexible, tough and fibrous.Tendons become less flexible with the age and are more susceptible to injury. Tendinitis is mainly caused to the persons who have repetitive movements, sports persons. There are common ways in the treatment of tendinitis by taking Rest, Keeping Ice Pack, Compressing, Elevating some more treatments include eccentric training, extra-corporeal shock wave therapy hyaluronic acid ,platelet-rich plasma are being established as the main therapeutics. Common site are shoulder, wrist, knee, shin, heel. Some common names for tendinitis are tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, pitcher’s elbow, swimmer’s shoulder, jumper’s knee.
Bone Disorder Conference | Musculoskeletal Disorder Conference | Orthopedics Confernce | MSD 2019 | Orthopedics 2019 | Bone Disorder Meeting | Musculoskeletal Disorder Meeting | Orthopedic Meeting | European Orthopedic Conference
Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is a very common degenerative disease affecting the articular cartilage. It is a disabling disease characterized by progressive damage of the articular cartilage with the involment of the subchondral bone, joint capsule and synovitis causing discomfort and pain in the affected joint. Commonly used drugs for treatment is NSAIDS, Corticosteroids.
Bone Disorder Conference | Musculoskeletal Disorder Conference | Orthopedics Confernce | MSD 2019 | Orthopedics 2019 | Bone Disorder Meeting | Musculoskeletal Disorder Meeting | Orthopedic Meeting | European Orthopedic Conference
Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic, debilitating autoimmune disease that includes but may extend beyond joint erosions. Some patients with rheumatoid arthritis experience hematologic, pulmonary, cardiac, vascular and ocular complications. Most of the rheumatoid arthritis patients develop permanent bone erosions and join space narrowing and it becomes difficult even for joint replacement surgery.
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Fibromyalgia: Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that presents with a complex symptom that includes widespread pain, fatigue, dysfunctional sleep and cognitive disruption. It is the most reported in developing countries. The main drugs used in the treatment are pregabalin, duloxetine and milnacipran, and some novel targets have gained interest leading for clinical trials of GABA receptor agonists, dopamine agonists, potassium channel activation.
Bone Disorder Conference | Musculoskeletal Disorder Conference | Orthopedics Confernce | MSD 2019 | Orthopedics 2019 | Bone Disorder Meeting | Musculoskeletal Disorder Meeting | Orthopedic Meeting | European Orthopedic Conference
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common form of entrapment neuropathy in upper extremity. It is estimated to occur in 3.8%of the general population. It has been studied that one in every five subjects complain the symptoms such as pain, numbness and a tingling sensation in the hands could have carpal tunnel syndrome. Corticosteroid treatment is effective in reducing inflammation and edema of synoviun and tendons. These require surgical treatment also.
Bone Disorder Conference | Musculoskeletal Disorder Conference | Orthopedics Confernce | MSD 2019 | Orthopedics 2019 | Bone Disorder Meeting | Musculoskeletal Disorder Meeting | Orthopedic Meeting | European Orthopedic Conference
Repetitive Stress Disorder: Repetitive stress disorder is a general term used to describe the pain felt in muscles, nerves and tendons caused by repetitive movement and overuse. It includes pain, stiffness, throbbing tingling, weakness, cramp. This is mainly related to the overuse of muscles and tendons in the upper body. It is treated by taking a course of anti-inflammatory painkillers or using heat or cold pack.
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Cumulative Trauma Disorder: Cumulative trauma disorder is a broad category which includes a number of common diseases that shows effect on the tissues of the body. The main reason for the cause of cumulative trauma disorder includes overuse, muscle tension, nerve tension, psychosocial factors, mind-body interactions, contribution factors. In some cases these may require surgery. This can be reduced by some physical therapies.
Bone Disorder Conference | Musculoskeletal Disorder Conference | Orthopedics Confernce | MSD 2019 | Orthopedics 2019 | Bone Disorder Meeting | Musculoskeletal Disorder Meeting | Orthopedic Meeting | European Orthopedic Conference
Overuse Syndrome: Overuse syndrome is a condition which causes discomfort or persistent pain in muscles, joints, tendons, nerves and soft tissues. These situations are developed as a result of number of factors such as repetitive movement, constant muscle contraction, forceful movements and constricted postures. Treatments included may be Rest from activities, Changing work practices, postural correction, physiotherapy, pain relieving and anti-inflammatory medications, exercise and stretching, massage and acupuncture may be included.
Bone Disorder Conference | Musculoskeletal Disorder Conference | Orthopedics Confernce | MSD 2019 | Orthopedics 2019 | Bone Disorder Meeting | Musculoskeletal Disorder Meeting | Orthopedic Meeting | European Orthopedic Conference
Osteogenesis Imperfect: Osteogenesis imperfect is one of the the most common bone genetic disorder and it is characterized by bone brittleness and various degrees of growth disorder. These are distinguished into eight types. Three types of treatments are available they are non-surgical management which includes physical therapy, rehabilitation, bracing and splinting. Surgical management includes intramedullary rod positioning, spinal and basilar impression surgery and medical pharmacological management.
Bone Disorder Conference | Musculoskeletal Disorder Conference | Orthopedics Confernce | MSD 2019 | Orthopedics 2019 | Bone Disorder Meeting | Musculoskeletal Disorder Meeting | Orthopedic Meeting | European Orthopedic Conference
Paget’s Disease of Bone: Paget’s disease of bone is a chronic disease of the skeleton. A process of remodeling takes place replacing the old pieces of bones with new bones which results in abnormally shaped, weak and brittle. This disease mainly affects the older people over the age of 55. In most of the cases treatment involves taking medications to slow or stop the progress of the disease, and in case of complication surgery may be needed.
Bone Disorder Conference | Musculoskeletal Disorder Conference | Orthopedics Confernce | MSD 2019 | Orthopedics 2019 | Bone Disorder Meeting | Musculoskeletal Disorder Meeting | Orthopedic Meeting | European Orthopedic Conference
Bone Cancer: Cancer which starts from the bone is uncommon. Cancer that spreads to the bone from another part of the body is more common. There are 3 types of bone cancer they include Osteosarcoma, Chondrosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma. These include different kind of treatment.
Bone Disorder Conference | Musculoskeletal Disorder Conference | Orthopedics Confernce | MSD 2019 | Orthopedics 2019 | Bone Disorder Meeting | Musculoskeletal Disorder Meeting | Orthopedic Meeting | European Orthopedic Conference
Yoga in the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Disorders: As a treatment for musculoskeletal disorders usually surgery or physiotherapy are recommended. But to suggest a practical course of treatment yoga is introduced. Yoga reduces pain among the individuals suffering from musculoskeletal disorder. The practical techniques used includes body relaxation, breathing awareness, warm up, balancing strength, full relaxation and refresh that has to be done 2-3 times a week for a period of 8-10 weeks. There is no age or gender limitation. This will be helpful in reducing the musculoskeletal disorders.
Bone Disorder Conference | Musculoskeletal Disorder Conference | Orthopedics Confernce | MSD 2019 | Orthopedics 2019 | Bone Disorder Meeting | Musculoskeletal Disorder Meeting | Orthopedic Meeting | European Orthopedic Conference
Bone Problems Associated With Diabetes: Diabetes and bone problems are complexly related. Low bone mineral density is observed in type 1 diabetes, in the case of type 2 diabetes bone mineral density is similar or higher than in non-diabetic subjects. In both types of diabetes bone appears to be more fragile for a given density. People with diabetes are associated with high risk of fractures. Diabetes can affect the bones with multiple pathways.
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Impact of Childhood Obesity on Bone Health: Childhood obesity has a harmful effect on the body in various ways. Excess weight seriously impacts growth and health of bones joints and muscles. Bones grow in size and strength during childhood. Excess weight can damage the growth plate, the area of developing cartilage tissue at the end of the body’s arm, leg and other long bones. Too much of weight gives excess stress on the growth plate which can lead to early arthritis, greater risk for bones to be broken and other serious conditions.
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Musculoskeletal disorders are the fifth largest cause of death due to disability. Around the globe, one in four people report chronic MSD in both developed and developing countries. Two –thirds of the population sufferings with MSDs are below 65 years. Nearly 1 in 3 adults has back and neck pain. More than 6.7 million hospitalizations occur due to arthritis and rheumatoid conditions. The average annual cost used for the treatment of MSDs is $7,800. On an average people have lost 11.4 work days due to back or neck pain.
Occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders is more in the age group of 45-65 The most commonly reported MSDs worldwide are back pain (29%), osteoarthritis and osteoporosis (17%), rheumatoid arthritis (8%), ankle/foot pain (8%), knee pain (6%), hip pain (5%), shoulder pain (5%), hand/wrist pain (3%), and elbow pain (3%) .
MSDs are the major health problems in Australia accounting for around 31%of the 6 million Australians. Nearly 25% of their income is used for the treatment of MSDs. North America is the largest in the musculoskeletal disorder drugs having 32% market share. Western Europe is the second largest accounting 22% market share. Africa was the smallest, accounting 3% of the market share.
Looking at the global scenario of the number of affected people and the amount of expenditure, it is important to take adequate measures to help prevent, cure or manage the MSDs. So, the MSD 2019 invites you to discuss the latest research and findings in the field and add to the knowledge.
Conference Highlights