Meetings International feels proud and honored in inviting the contributors across the globe to the “International Conference on Synthetic Biology” which is to be held on July 16-17, 2018 Paris, France. This is meant to crease the leading intellects to a platform for round table confab on Synthetic Biology Innovation and its progress. It is the unique service to convey globally renowned universities in the department of Synthetic Biology, scientists, speculative researchers, Synthetic Biology researchers, scholar's etc. This is the congress where you will be having an outstanding experience with the gathering. This conference provides the innovative Synthetic Biology methods and also you can improve your network globally by interacting with the various experts related to the field of Synthetic Biology across the world.
Meetings International is a world leader in conducting high quality symposiums, meetings, conferences, workshops and Exhibitions. It provides a Global Platform for Chemistry Professionals, Biotech, Medical and Healthcare Professionals to Exchange Ideas, Knowledge and Networking. Meetings International has been associated with major Corporations, National and international associations and high level individuals, dedicated to host world class events.
The main target of this conference is to stimulate new ideas for the development of the advanced and current research in Synthetic Biology Conference. This will be very beneficial for all the attendees to share Knowledge regarding the Synthetic Biology Conference. This is an integrative program with broad participation of members from round the Globe. This is a Prodigious event embrace of topics including Advanced Techniques in Synthetic Biology, Genetic & Molecular Engineering, Mammalian Synthetic Biology, Synthetic Biotechnology & Bio Engineering, Gene Therapy in Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biotechnology & Plant Genetics.
Paris is the capital and most populous city of France, The city is a commune and department, and the capital-heart of the 12,012-square-kilometre French historic, political and financial capital, with a population of only 2.5 million is located in the northern part of France. One of the most beautiful & lovable city in the world.
Meetings International feels proud and honored in inviting the contributors across the globe to the “International Conference on Synthetic Biology” which is to be held on July 16-17, 2018 Paris, France. This is meant to crease the leading intellects to a platform for round table confab on Synthetic Biology Innovation and its progress. It is the unique service to convey globally renowned universities in the department of Synthetic Biology, scientists, speculative researchers, Synthetic Biology researchers, scholar's etc. This is the congress where you will be having an outstanding experience with the gathering. This conference provides the innovative Synthetic Biology methods and also you can improve your network globally by interacting with the various experts related to the field of Synthetic Biology across the world.
Meetings International is a world leader in conducting high quality symposiums, meetings, conferences, workshops and Exhibitions. It provides a Global Platform for Chemistry Professionals, Biotech, Medical and Healthcare Professionals to Exchange Ideas, Knowledge and Networking. Meetings International has been associated with major Corporations, National and international associations and high level individuals, dedicated to host world class events.
The main target of this conference is to stimulate new ideas for the development of the advanced and current research in Synthetic Biology Conference. This will be very beneficial for all the attendees to share Knowledge regarding the Synthetic Biology Conference. This is an integrative program with broad participation of members from round the Globe. This is a Prodigious event embrace of topics including Advanced Techniques in Synthetic Biology, Genetic & Molecular Engineering, Mammalian Synthetic Biology, Synthetic Biotechnology & Bio Engineering, Gene Therapy in Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biotechnology & Plant Genetics.
Paris is the capital and most populous city of France, The city is a commune and department, and the capital-heart of the 12,012-square-kilometre French historic, political and financial capital, with a population of only 2.5 million is located in the northern part of France. One of the most beautiful & lovable city in the world.
Session 1. Molecular Biotechnology & Plant genetics :
Plant Cell Biotechnology is widely involved with experimental analysis on plants and plant like organisms (fungi and cyanobacteria). Plant cell Biotechnology exploring each basic and applied aspects of biotechnological analysis and encompasses numerous disciplines together with plant biotechnology, agricultural biotechnology, tree-biotechnology, environmental-biotechnology, food biotechnology, marine biotechnology, molecular breeding and genetic science, molecular phytopathology, biological process and cell biology, gene-splicing and transgenic technology.
Synthetic Biology Conference | Synthetic Biology Meeting | Synthetic Biology Summit | Synthetic Biology Congress | Synthetic Biology Event | Synthetic Biology Workshop | Synthetic Biology Symposium | Biotechnology Meeting | Molecular biology Conference | Global Synthetic Biology congress
Session 2. Synthetic Biology :
Synthetic biology is that the convergence of advances in chemistry, biology, engineering, and engineering that allows us to move from research to product quicker, cheaper, and with bigger preciseness than ever before. It can often thought as a biology-based “toolkit” that uses abstraction, standardization, and automatic construction to alter however we have a tendency to build biological systems and expand the vary of attainable product. A community of specialists across several disciplines is coming back along to form these new foundations for several industries, together with drugs, energy & also the Environment.
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Session 3. Advanced Techniques in Synthetic Biology :
The Advanced techniques in Synthetic Biology Described, Including the application of microscopy and microfluidics to measure the dynamics of single cells. The characterization of a circuit requires its perturbation. Typically this has been accomplished through the addiction or removal of an inducer such as IPTG. This process is slow and inaccurate and relies on a transcriptional process. New methods are Optogenetic allow the perturbation of signaling network using lights. The advanced another method is Method of Enzymology.
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Session 4. Animal Synthetic Biology :
Humans are modifying the genetic characteristics of plants and animals for millennia by dominant the breeding of species so as to pick surely traits or characteristics and to scale back or eliminate others. the invention of the structure of desoxyribonucleic acid in 1953, the popularity of its importance because the carrier of monogenic genetic info, followed by the event of deoxyribonucleic acid technology 20 years later, made-up the manner for powerful technologies to govern genes directly associate Nursing in such how that the genotype and constitution of an organism may be altered with utmost exactness in a very single generation.
Synthetic Biology Conference | Synthetic Biology Meeting | Synthetic Biology Summit | Synthetic Biology Congress | Synthetic Biology Event | Synthetic Biology Workshop | Synthetic Biology Symposium | Biotechnology Meeting | Molecular biology Conference | Global Synthetic Biology congress
Session 5. Plant Synthetic Biology :
Plant Synthetic biology is associate degree rising field that mixes engineering principles with plant biology toward the planning and production of recent devices. This rising field ought to play a vital role in future agriculture for ancient crop improvement, however conjointly in sanctionative novel bioproduction in plants. during this review we tend to discuss the planning cycles of artificial biology yet as key engineering principles, genetic components, and procedure tools which will be used in plant Synthetic biology.
Synthetic Biology Conference | Synthetic Biology Meeting | Synthetic Biology Summit | Synthetic Biology Congress | Synthetic Biology Event | Synthetic Biology Workshop | Synthetic Biology Symposium | Biotechnology Meeting | Molecular biology Conference | Global Synthetic Biology congress
Session 6. Genetic & Molecular Engineering :
Molecular engineering is any suggests that of producing molecules. it's going to be accustomed produce, on a particularly tiny scale, most generally one at a time, new molecules which can’t exist in nature, or be stable on the far side a really slender vary of conditions. these days this is often AN arduous method, requiring manual manipulation of molecules mistreatment such devices as a scanning tunneling magnifier. Eventually it's expected to take advantage of life-like self-replicating 'helper molecules' that area unit themselves built. therefore the sphere is seen as a exactitude type of chemical engineering that has super molecule engineering, the creation of super molecule molecules, a method that happens naturally in organic chemistry, e.g., particle replica. However, it provides way more management than genetic modification of AN existing ordering, that should swear strictly on existing organic chemistry to precise genes as proteins, and has very little power to supply any non-proteins.
Synthetic Biology Conference | Synthetic Biology Meeting | Synthetic Biology Summit | Synthetic Biology Congress | Synthetic Biology Event | Synthetic Biology Workshop | Synthetic Biology Symposium | Biotechnology Meeting | Molecular biology Conference | Global Synthetic Biology congress
Session 7. Mammalian Synthetic Biology :
Synthetic Biology has pioneered transformative approaches that are poignant however scientists tackle key queries in class cell biology. artificial biology techniques have wide-ranging pertinence and usually build use of genetic devices, or collections of genetic parts coding explicit functions, for searching key cellular mechanisms. Early success centered on designed transcription-based restrictive systems primarily in microorganism. a lot of recently, new endeavors have shifted to class cistron restrictive processes to permit versatile, precise, and comprehensive management over organic phenomenon and cellular development. Novel and a lot of complicated genetic devices are accustomed probe cellular mechanisms, together with various conjunction, RNAi, and epigenetics.
Synthetic Biology Conference | Synthetic Biology Meeting | Synthetic Biology Summit | Synthetic Biology Congress | Synthetic Biology Event | Synthetic Biology Workshop | Synthetic Biology Symposium | Biotechnology Meeting | Molecular biology Conference | Global Synthetic Biology congress
Session 8. Synthetic Biotechnology :
Synthetic Biotechnology involves the manipulation of biological compounds like integration of artificial amino acids into proteins, desoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and manipulation victimization artificial sequences, oligonucleotide synthesis, super molecule modification victimization artificial compounds etc. the compounds made synthetically integrated into cells that are chosen to produce appropriate experimental strategy.
Synthetic Biology Conference | Synthetic Biology Meeting | Synthetic Biology Summit | Synthetic Biology Congress | Synthetic Biology Event | Synthetic Biology Workshop | Synthetic Biology Symposium | Biotechnology Meeting | Molecular biology Conference | Global Synthetic Biology congress
Session 9. Synthetic Bioengineering :
Synthetic engineering is that the manipulation of the biological compounds variable their physical and chemical forms exploitation. engineering principles and techniques. Engineering is completed at cellular and subcellular level i.e. molecular level. engineering is that the “biological or medical application of engineering principles or engineering instrumentation. Recently, the follow of bio-engineering has Expanded large-scale efforts like prosthetic and hospital instrumentation to incorporate engineering at the molecular and cellular level with applications in energy and also the surroundings further as health care.
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Session 10. Synthetic Genomics :
Synthetic genetics is associate early field of built science that uses elements of hereditary alteration on previous life frames with the setup of delivering therefore item or wished conduct with relation to the physical object so created. Synthetic genetics joins ways for the faux consolidation of deoxyribonucleic acid with process ways to set up it. These ways allow researchers and specialists to make hereditary material that might be unthinkable or illogical to deliver utilizing additional routine biotechnological approaches. as an example, utilizing factory-made genetics it's conceivable to stipulate and amass chromosomes, qualities and quality pathways, and even entire genomes.
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Session 11. Gene Therapy in Genetic Engineering :
There square measure an outsized variety of reports on cistron medical aid in tissue engineering, and these cowl an enormous vary of various designed tissues, completely different vectors, scaffolds and methodology. The review considers singly in-vitro and in-vivo cistron transfer strategies. The in-vivo cistron transfer methodology is delineate initial, mistreatment either microorganism or non-viral vectors to repair varied tissues with and while not the employment of scaffolds. the employment of a scaffold will overcome a number of the challenges related to delivery by direct injection.
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Session 12. Computational Synthetic Biology :
As name "Integrative Biology" reflects conviction that the investigation of biological systems is best drawn nearer by fusing varied points of read. we have tendency to unite different qualities of controls that supplement one another to disentangle the complexness of biology. the concept incorporates anatomy, physiology, cell and vegetative cell biology, biology, organic process biology, organic chemistry and physics. we have tendency to work with animals, plants and microorganisms and our exploration traverses the degree of the organic chain of command from molecules to ecosystems. Our expansive scope of mastery incorporates: geneticists, paleontologists, physiologists, behaviorists, systematists, morphologists, microbiologists, bioinformatician, organic process biologists, ecologists, biophysicists and biotechnologists.
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Session 13. Molecular Biology :
Molecular Biology covers a large scope of issues associated with molecular and germ biology as well as structural genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, Phenomics, Lipidomics, Bioinformatics, biomedicine, molecular biochemistry, and molecular medicine, theoretical bases of biotechnology, physics and chemical science of proteins and nucleic acids. in contrast to the bulk of journals handling these subjects, biology exercises a multidisciplinary approach and presents the entire pattern of relevant basic analysis largely in jap Europe. biology publishes general interest reviews, mini-reviews, experimental and theoretical works and procedure analyses in molecular and cell biology.
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Session 14. Gene Therapy in Synthetic Biology :
A novel sequence-drug delivery system that shuttles a gene into a cell, however just for a brief keep, has been developed by researchers, providing a possible new gene-therapy strategy for treating unwellness. The approach offers distinct blessings over different varieties of sequence therapies presently underneath investigation, same the lead author of a study describing the new technique.
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The global synthetic-biology market reached nearly $3.9 billion in 2016 and should reach $11.4 billion by 2021, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.0% through 2021.
The study scope includes core synthetic-biology products (synthetic genes, BioBrick parts, delivery plasmids, chassis organisms, synthetic cells, production systems), enabling technologies (DNA sequencing, DNA synthesis and assembly, genome editing, bioinformatics and specialty media) and enabled technologies (biofuels, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, agriculture) that are already commercialized or are forecast to be commercialized within the next five years.
We analyse key synthetic-biology technologies and products to determine present and future market status, and forecasted growth from 2016 through 2021. We also discuss strategic alliances, industry structures, competitive dynamics, patents and market driving forces.
BCC Research examines the synthetic-biology industry by market segment, including the following segments: DNA sequencing, DNA synthesis, genome editing, synthetic-biology foundries, industrial biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture. The role of key strategic alliances and acquisitions from 2014 through 2016 is discussed. Emerging markets including synthetic genes, synthetic-biology-enabled drugs and vaccines, genome-edited crops, chassis organisms, as well as metabolically engineered factories for producing synthetic fuels and specialty chemicals are analysed, and more than 135 companies in these fields are highlighted.
Funding’s for Synthetic Biology
Conference Highlights:
Molecular Biotechnology & Plant genetics
Synthetic Biology
Advanced Techniques in Synthetic Biology
Animal Synthetic Biology
Plant Synthetic Biology
Genetic & Molecular Engineering
Mammalian Synthetic Biology (Human Artificial Chromosomes)
Synthetic Biotechnology
Synthetic Bioengineering
Synthetic Genomics
Gene Therapy in Genetic Engineering
Computational Synthetic Biology
Molecular Biology
Gene Therapy in Synthetic Biology
Major Synthetic Biology Associations around the Globe:
Synthetic Biology Industry Association
New York synthetic biology association – GuideStar
The International Association Synthetic Biology (IASB)
Industry Association of Synthetic Biology (IASB)
The Helmholtz Association, Germany
Association of Synthetic Biology Brawijaya University
Society for Biological Engineers (SBE)
ISEE – International Society for Environmental Ethics
Biotechnology industrial organization
International Council for the Life Sciences
Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center
University of Minnesota Synthetic Biology Society
Queen's Synthetic Biology Organization (QSYNBIO)
Major Synthetic Biology Research Centres around the Globe:
Joint Bioenergy Institute (JBEI)-USA
Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center (SynBERC)
California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences (QB3)-California
Berkeley Stem Cell Center-Berkely
Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI)-California
Center for Computational Biology (CCB)-New york
Synthetic Biology Centre @MIT-London
BrisSynBio, a BBSRC / EPSRC funded Synthetic Biology Research Centre-London
Global Funding Bodies :
Synthetic biology is rapidly becoming a global research enterprise. The Synthetic Biology Project has identified more than 565 unique entities that are conducting some type of synthetic biology work across the globe,2 more than a 200 percent increase since 2010. The International Genetically Engineered Machines Competition3 (iGEM) has grown from five U.S. teams in 2004 to 280 teams from six continents in 2015.4 In addition, there are more than 100 products/ applications that are on the market or close to market entry.5 This report is an attempt to understand the investments the United States is making in synthetic biology through its research agencies. When possible, comparisons are made with the United Kingdom and the European Union to contrast the investment of various governments. There are no reliable public funding numbers available for Chinese research into synthetic biology. But based on the number of Chinese International Genetically Engineered Machine competition teams, the 254 publications produced since 2010, and the rise of the Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), this report assumes China is investing heavily in the field.
Target Audience:
Academicians, Scientists & Business delegates, Experts, Departmental Managers, Vice Presidents/Directors & Brand Manufacturers/ Marketers of Consumer Products. Solution Providers (digital and mobile technology), Professors and Students from Academia in the study of Synthetic Biology & Technology.
Target Audience:
Future Scope of Synthetic Biology :
Synthetic biology means designing and building biological organisms to make them behave in new ways. This new technology has potential for major societal benefit and wealth creation in such areas as healthcare, energy and the environment. To coincide with the publication of a new report from the Royal Academy of Engineering on the next steps to build on the UK’s position in the field, key contributors to the report came to the SMC to present their findings.
Conclusion :
Ø Synthetic systems capable of detecting dangerous substances
Ø Synthetic communication systems that coordinate cellular response
Ø Improvement in tissue and organ engineering
Synthetic biology is becoming a very important field
Ø Improve our understanding of biology
Ø Give solutions for global problems
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Fritz B. R. , Timmerman L. E. , Daringer N. M. , Leonard J. N. and Jewett M. C. Biology by Design:
From Top to Bottomand Back. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. doi:10.1155/2010/232016
D. G. Gibson, et al. Complete Chemical Synthesis, Assembly, and Cloning of a Mycoplasma
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Hutchinson CA, Peterson SN, Gill SR, Cline RT, White O, Fraser CM, Smith HO, Venter JC. Global
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Chen YY, et al.: Synthetic biology: advancing biological frontiers by building synthetic systems.
Genome Biology 2012, 13:240 (2010).
Doctor in Molecular Biology.,
German University of Cairo,
biolex corp CEO & Founder
Professor at University of Haifa.
Researcher in Institute of Food Technology
Senior director, Synthetic Genomics Inc., USA
Georgia institute of technology
President, CEO and Founder. Phytonix Corporation
University of Haifa
Shankarrao mohite college, Akluj.,