Webinar on

Cell Science and Biotransformation

August 22, 2022


Theme: Recent Advances in Biotransformation: Impact and Applications

We are cordially inviting all the participants across the globe to attend our upcoming Webinar on Cell Science and Biotransformation which going to be held on August 22, 2022. We invite all the participants who are interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the area of Cell Science and Biotransformation. The theme of the webinar is "Recent Advances in Biotransformation: Impact and Applications" which encourages young researchers and students to improve their research abilities by providing an opportunity to meet experts in the field of Cell Science and Biotransformation from all across the world.

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Session 01: Molecular Medicine and Diagnostics
Molecular diagnostics is the application of molecular biology techniques to medical testing of patients and/or patient samples to diagnose and monitor diseases, to identify risk factors, and to define best therapies for individual patients. Involves taking DNA or RNA, the unique genetic code found in our cells, and analysing the sequences for red flags that can pinpoint the potential emergence of a specific disease.
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Session 02: Drug Biotransformation
It is a process by which organic compounds are transformed from one form to another, aided by organisms such as bacteria, fungi and enzymes. Biotransformations are used as a valuable strategy to build molecules, similar to parent drug in the drug discovery programme. The liver is the principal site of drug metabolism.
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Session 03: Microbial Biotransformation 
Microbial Biotransformation can make feasible reactions that are not likely to be carried out by traditional synthetic procedures. Also, endophytes may produce natural, biodegradable compounds. The process by which organic compounds are transformed from one form to another to reduce the persistence and toxicity of the chemical compounds.
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Session 04: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
pharmacokinetics is 'what the body does to the drug'. Pharmacodynamics describes the intensity of a drug effect in relation to its concentration in a body fluid, usually at the site of drug action. It can be simplified to 'what the drug does to the body. The activity of drugs in the body over a period of time, including the processes by which drugs are absorbed, distributed in the body, localized in the tissues, and excreted.
Cell Science and Biotransformation Webinar | Biotransformation Congress | Cell Science Meeting | Cell Science Webinar | Biotransformation Symposia

Session 05: Cellular Respiration
The sum of all chemical changes that take place in a cell through which energy and basic components are provided for essential processes, including the synthesis of new molecules and the breakdown and removal of others. The stages of cellular respiration include glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, the citric acid or Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.
Cell Science and Biotransformation Webinar | Biotransformation Congress | Cell Science Meeting | Cell Science Webinar | Biotransformation Symposia

Session 06: Biocatalysts and Biotransformation
Biocatalysts is defined as the use of natural substances that include enzymes from biological sources or whole cells to speed up chemical reactions. Enzymes have pivotal role in the catalysis of hundreds of reactions that include production of alcohols from fermentation and cheese by breakdown of milk proteins.
Cell Science and Biotransformation Webinar | Biotransformation Congress | Cell Science Meeting | Cell Science Webinar | Biotransformation Symposia

  • Molecular Medicine and Diagnostics
  • Drug Biotransformation
  • Microbial Biotransformation
  • Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  • Cellular Respiration
  • Biocatalysis and Biotransformation