Food Chemistry-2021

May 21, 2021

Food Chemistry-2021

Theme: Principles Underlying Food Processing

Food chemistry is the study of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non-biological components of foods. The biological substances include such items as meat, poultry, lettuce, beer, milk etc.
It is similar to biochemistry in its main components such as carbohydrates, lipids, and protein, but it also includes areas such as water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, food additives, flavours, and colors.
Non biological components comprise chemical and physical hazards which may be introduced during animal production, slaughter and processing or packaging. Emphasis in this paper is placed on those residues which are of most interest to Veterinary Services and for which Veterinary Services have responsibility, namely: residues of veterinary drugs, industrial chemicals, heavy metals and pesticides which may be introduced during animal production. The most contentious residues which occur in meat, milk and eggs are antibacterial drugs, hormonal growth promoters and certain pesticides, heavy metals and industrial chemicals.


Session 1: Food Chemistry
Food Chemistry, the name defines the deals with biochemical nature of the food. It also involves the study of chemical components such as proteins and carbohydrates and more. In all come across different processing techniques and their effect on certain type of food and also for ways to enhance the quality of food.

Session 2: Food Nanotechnology 
Food nanotechnology is an area of emerging interest and opens up a whole universe of new possibilities for the food industry. Nanotechnology applications in the food industry can be utilized to detect bacteria in packaging, or produce stronger flavours and colour quality, and safety by increasing the barrier properties.

Session 3: Food Bioactives
Epidemiological studies indicate that high consumption of foods rich in bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity, including vitamins, phytochemicals, and mainly phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids and carotenoids, has a positive effect on human health and could diminish the risk of numerous diseases.

Session 4: Food Drug analysis 
Includes analytical methodologies, policy analyses, risk analyses and behavioural analyses in relation to food, drugs, medical devices, cosmetics, and traditional Chinese medicine.

Session 5: Food Toxicology
Food toxicology is an important consideration as food supply chain is becoming more multinational in origin and any contamination or toxic manifestation may cause serious, wide-spread adverse health effects.

Session 6: Food Collides and polymers 
Food polymers are polymers from edible plants, animals, and microorganisms that can be used in food systems, including proteins, polysaccharides, and peptides. ... The oils and/or lipid from plant and animals could also be considered as food polymers although their molecular weights are relatively small.


As organic chemistry and genetics advance every day, food chemistry has become mainly focused on Human metabolism. Nutrition has turned out to be increasingly cantered towards medical conditions and problems which can be prevented with a healthy diet. Nutrition also involves diseases and conditions that could be caused by  poor foods
The Global agricultural industry market is estimated to be about $8.7 trillion according to the Plunkett Research estimate. Global Food Export alone is estimated at around $1.47 trillion in 2017 according to the world trade organization. The cost of food varies in every region which makes it a bit difficult to learn about. It varies due to various factors which include location, Food manufacturing industries, food transportation, food storage and climate.
As per the demand, Fast food industry is also growing at an alarming rate. The fast food industry includes processing, development, branding and advertising.


Advertising food to consumers is done out of store, in store, and on package. Advertisements on television and in magazines are attempts to persuade consumers to think favourably about a product, so that they go to the store to purchase the product.
Promotion of the marketing mix is defined as the actions used to communicate a food product's features and benefits; therefore, persuading the consumer to purchase the product. There are multiple avenues used to promote a food product to consumers. Some examples are out-of-store, in-store and on the packaging (Helm & Gritsch, 2014). Food advertisements on television are used to attract the consumer, persuading them to go to the store and purchase that food product. Additionally, promotions in magazines and newspapers may offer coupons for food products


  • Food Chemistry
  • Food Nanotechnology
  • Food Bioactives
  • Food Drug analysis
  • Food Toxicology
  • Food Collides and polymers