Webinar on

Management Information

July 28, 2021

Management Information 2021

Theme: Solve problems at the intersection of business and technology

Meetings International’s aims to attract scientists and decision-makers from both academia and industry, with internationally renowned Keynote Speakers who will introduce and discuss cutting edge research in diverse areas of Management Information. It will include discussions on challenges, diverse applications of Information System. In addition, interesting adjacent areas such as adoption of information technology in organizations as well as human factors in information systems also will be covered. We also invite industrial exhibitors, and innovative session organizers.
It will be an international platform for scholars, researchers and practitioners to discuss interdisciplinary research and practice in the fields of management information systems and information technology. Also, we aim to bring together the scientific tone of the conference with the unique purpose of information management is to: design, develop, manage, and use information with insight and innovation. Support decision making and create value for individuals, organizations, communities, and societies.


Session 1: Information Systems in Pandemic and Crisis Management
Emergency management of the emerging infectious disease outbreak is critical for public health threats. Currently, control of the COVID-19 outbreak is an international concern and has become a crucial challenge in many countries. Expert opinions were collected to show existence gaps, useful technologies for each phase of emergency management, and future direction.

Session 2: Digital Transformation and Media
Competing in the new digital world requires traditional media companies to transform by designing, piloting and rapidly industrializing new content, services and tailored offerings that enrich the audience experience and scale the New. ... The process must begin with a clear vision for their digital future.

Session 3: Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a process used by companies to manage and integrate the important parts of their businesses. Many ERP software applications are important to companies because they help them implement resource planning by integrating all of the processes needed to run their companies with a single system. 

Session 4: Project management
Project management is the process of leading the work of a team to achieve goals and meet success criteria at a specified time. The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals within the given constraints.

Session 5: Supply chain management
Supply chain management is the management of the flow of goods and services and includes all processes that transform raw materials into final products. It involves the active streamlining of a business's supply-side activities to maximize customer value and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.SCM represents an effort by suppliers to develop and implement supply chains that are as efficient and economical as possible. 

Session 6: Business analytics
Business Analytics is the process by which businesses use statistical methods and technologies for analyzing historical data in order to gain new insight and improve strategic decision-making.


A marketing information system (MIS) is a management information system designed to support marketing decision making. It brings together many different kinds of data, people, equipment and procedures to help an organization make better decisions. American academic Philip Kotler has defined it more broadly as “people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.” Not to be confused for a management information system, marketing information systems are designed specifically for managing the marketing aspects of the business.
Digital surveys, also referred to as online questionnaires, are research tools that ask consumers questions in a virtual environment. These surveys are a type of Online Research Method (ORM). Many of these ORMs are related to older research methodologies that have been re-invented and re-imagined to work with new technologies and the on-the-go conditions of a digital environment.
With the increasing use of the Internet, online questionnaires have become a popular way of collecting information. However, the online research field remains relatively new and continues to evolve. With the growth of social media, new levels of complexity and opportunity have been created for using digital surveys to conduct market research.

Advertisements are seen everywhere in our daily life, which help companies increase business and enhance and maintain relationship with clients .To list just a few, the adtrucks, the brochure delivered directly to clients, and various product promotion on TV shows, SMS (Short Message Service) advertisement, etc. Among all those forms of advertisements, the online advertisement is one type that recently welcomes its prosperity thanks to the rapid development of information technology (IT) and the Internet. The use of Internet and mobile phones increase rapidly and affect people’s daily lives, and they have become the mainstream media of our society, especially for the young as well as the middle-aged.  Enormous amounts of marketing, sales, and consumer information can be stored and accessed via database, many of them available at low or no cost to companies. Government databases, for instance, contain economic and demographic information on individuals, groups, and companies. Other avenues for market intelligence include trade shows, talking with customers and prospective customers, conversing with distributors, product testing and comparison, and mystery shopping. All these data points can be entered into your marketing information system.

  • Information Systems in Pandemic and Crisis Management
  • Digital Transformation and Media
  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
  • Project management
  • Supply chain management
  • Business analytics