Webinar on

Pharmaceutical Care and Drug Safety

February 25, 2022

Pharmaceutical Drug-safety

Theme: Optimizing pharmacovigilance and risk management strategies to an evolving drug safety environment

Meetings International takes pride in announcing our “Webinar on Pharmaceutical Care and Drug Safety “scheduled for February 21, 2022. The webinar emphasizes the theme “Optimizing pharmacovigilance and risk management strategies to an evolving drug safety environment”. Pharmaceutical Drug-Safety event will provide a platform for the participants to discuss, share and stay updated with the present state of affairs in Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety, and contribute to public health. It will also allow all its participants to interact with the experts, discuss the various developments, challenges faced, and innovations in the field. We hope this collaboration would be a memorable experience and would bring a noticeable impact on your career.

Session-1: Clinical Drug Toxicity

Pharmacology intersects with toxicology once the physiological response to a drug is associated with adverse impact. A poison is any substance, as well as any drug that has the capability to damage a living organism. Poisoning usually implies that damaging physiological effects result from exposure to pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, or chemicals.

Keywords: Pharmaceutical drug-safety summit 2022| Drug Safety summit |Global Drug Safety Conference | Drug Safety Congress | Drug Safety Meeting | Drug Safety 2022 | Global Drug Safety Webinar | Pharmaceutical Webinar | Pharmacy Seminar | Medical Conference

Session-2: Biosimilars in Drug Safety

Pharmaceutical drug-safety summit discusses the misuse of patent rights of a drug. Drug Safety conferences hold a discussion on Biosimilars and various ways that the drug is manufactured which supplies a transparent understanding of risk related to the safety of drugs.

Keywords: Pharmaceutical drug-safety summit 2022| Drug Safety summit |Global Drug Safety Conference | Drug Safety Congress | Drug Safety Meeting | Drug Safety 2022 | Global Drug Safety Webinar | Pharmaceutical Webinar | Pharmacy Seminar | Medical Conference

Session-3: Drug-related problems in healthcare

A drug-related problem (DRP) is an occasion or condition relating to drug medical care that actually or perhaps inhibits anticipated health results Drug medical care matters area unit the clinical domain of the pharmaceutical care professional. The aim of individual drug medical care subjects is to contribute patients reach their goals of medical care and understand the foremost effective potential results from drug medical care within the next sections, and to discuss the nomenclature, components, and categories of drug medical care subjects and their central position to the smear of pharmaceutical care and medication management services.

Keywords: Pharmaceutical drug-safety summit 2022| Drug Safety summit |Global Drug Safety Conference | Drug Safety Congress | Drug Safety Meeting | Drug Safety 2022 | Global Drug Safety Webinar | Pharmaceutical Webinar | Pharmacy Seminar | Medical Conference

Session-4: Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety

Pharmacovigilance is that medical science relates to the gathering, detection, assessment, monitoring, and bar of adverse effects with pharmaceutical merchandise. Pharmacovigilance heavily focuses on adverse drug reactions that are outlined as any response to a drug that is vesicatory and unintentional together with lack of effectiveness. Medication errors like dose, misuse, and abuse of a drug in addition to drug exposure throughout maternity and breastfeeding, also are of interest, even while not associate degree adverse event, as a result of they will lead to associate degree adverse drug reaction.

Keywords: Pharmaceutical drug-safety summit 2022| Drug Safety summit |Global Drug Safety Conference | Drug Safety Congress | Drug Safety Meeting | Drug Safety 2022 | Global Drug Safety Webinar | Pharmaceutical Webinar | Pharmacy Seminar | Medical Conference

Session-5: Clinical Pharmacy and its Role in Treatment

Clinical pharmacy could be a branch of pharmacy that involves the availability of patient care with the use of medications to optimize the health outcomes of patients. This includes promoting wellness and preventing disease. The practice of clinical pharmacy embraces pharmaceutical care philosophy. Clinical pharmacists are the specialists within the therapeutic use of medicines in the aid team.

Keywords: Pharmaceutical drug-safety summit 2022| Drug Safety summit |Global Drug Safety Conference | Drug Safety Congress | Drug Safety Meeting | Drug Safety 2022 | Global Drug Safety Webinar | Pharmaceutical Webinar | Pharmacy Seminar | Medical Conference

  • Drug related problems in healthcare
  • Clinical Drug Toxicity
  • Biosimilars in Drug Safety
  • Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety
  • Clinical Pharmacy and its Role in Treatment