Webinar on


October 18, 2021


Theme: Imagining future by embracing change & transformation in Veterinary

Meetings international offers all the participants in the "Webinar on Veterinary Medicine". Which is scheduled on  January 24, 2022 with the theme of the Conference is "Imagining future by embracing change & transformation in Veterinary" It will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and experience. The main objective is to bring all the leading academic scientists, researchers and research in the field of Veterinary Science. It provides the scientists, scholars, researches, professors to share their experience, research to discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences.

Track 1: Veterinary Medicine

With a large scope, veterinary medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in animals covering all animal species, each domesticated and wild. It helps human health through the monitoring and control of animal disease, food safety, and indirectly through human applications from basic medical analysis. It also helps to take care of food supply through livestock health monitoring and treatment, and mental health by keeping pets healthy and long living. Medical specialty provides a good platform for analysis and industrial applications.

Veterinary Medicine Webinar | Animal Development Congress | Animal Biotechnology | Animal Nutrition Workshop | Global Animal Science Webinar | European Animal Science Conference | Animal Breeding Workshop

Track 2: Animal Biotechnology

Molecular biology techniques are used to genetically engineer or modify the genome of animals in order to enhance their quality for pharmaceutical, agricultural or industrial applications. This branch of biotechnology works on manufacturing genetically changed animals that synthesize therapeutic proteins, have improved growth rates, or are resistant to diseases. This field provides new tools for improving human health, animal health and welfare, and helps in increasing eutherian mammal productivity. Biotechnology additionally helps in rising associate animals impact on the atmosphere and additionally enhances ability to detect, treat and perevent diseases.

Veterinary Medicine Webinar | Animal Development Congress | Animal Biotechnology | Animal Nutrition Workshop | Global Animal Science Webinar | European Animal Science Conference | Animal Breeding Workshop | Animal Welfare Congress 

Track 3: Agriculture, Animals and the Environment

Agricultural animals have played a important role in meeting human nutritional requirements for food and fibre. They currently provide 18 of the total calories and 39th of protein consumption. In addition to food, animal by-products have many uses in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, household, and industrial products. While, animal husbandry is responsible for concerning 20 and 33rd of the water usage within the world and livestock, and the production of feed for them, occupy about a third of the earth's ice-free land. Animal agriculture contributes to species extinction, destroying habitats by clearing forests and changing land to grow feed crops and for animal grazing. it is of utmost concern for us to look into the proper management of the animals and agriculture, avoiding any kind of harm caused to the environment.

Animal Development Conference | Veterinary Medicine Seminar | Veterinary Medicine Webinar | Animal Development Congress | Animal Biotechnology | Animal Nutrition Workshop | Global Animal Science Webinar | European Animal Science Conference | Animal Breeding Workshop

Track 4: Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare

Intimate knowledge of an animal’s habits is needed, whether it is hunting wild animals, keeping domesticated animals, or escaping an attacking predator. Information about animal behaviour is of considerable importance in terms of preventing diseases, avoiding road accidents due to some animals. Respect for animal welfare is usually based on the belief that nonhuman animals are sentient which consideration should be given to their wellbeing or suffering, especially when they are under the care of humans. These concerns will include how animals are slaughtered for food, however they're used in scientific research, how they are kept as pets, in zoos, farms, circuses, etc., and how human activities have an effect on the welfare and survival of wild species is the well-being of nonhuman animals. Animal welfare science seeks to answer questions raised by the keeping and use of animals, like whether hens are frustrated when confined in cages, whether the psychological well-being of animals in laboratories will be maintained, and whether zoo animals are stressed by the transport required for international conservation.

Veterinary Medicine Webinar | Animal Development Congress | Animal Biotechnology | Animal Nutrition Workshop | Global Animal Science Webinar | European Animal Science Conference | Animal Breeding Workshop | Animal Welfare Congress 

Track 5: Neonatal Survival and Management

During the first week of life, average reported neonatal mortality rates vary, ranging from 9%-26%. Cautious veterinary intervention will increase neonatal survival by controlling or eliminating factors that contribute to animal morbidity and mortality. Poor pre-partum conditions, congenital malformations, genetic defects, injury, environmental exposure, malnutrition etc., contribute to neonatal morbidity and mortality. optimal husbandry impacts neonatal survival favourably infectious disease reducing infectious disease, preventing injury and environmental exposure, and optimizing nutrition of the neonates. Neonatal management is important for increasing the survival rate of the animals and is an important part of veterinary research and practice.

Animal Development Conference | Veterinary Medicine Seminar | Veterinary Medicine Webinar | Animal Development Congress | Animal Biotechnology | Animal Nutrition Workshop | Global Animal Science Webinar | European Animal Science Conference | Animal Breeding Workshop

  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Animal Biotechnology
  • Agriculture, Animals and the Environment
  • Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare
  • Neonatal Survival and Management