Associate Director
Mount Sinai Alzheimer's Disease Research Center,
Sam Gandy, MD, PhD, is Mount Sinai Professor of Alzheimer's Disease Research, Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry, Associate Director of the Mount Sinai Alzheimer's Disease Research Center in New York City, and Chairman Emeritus of the National Medical and Scientific Advisory Council of the Alzheimer's Association. Dr. Gandy is an international expert in the metabolism of the sticky substance called amyloid that clogs the brain in patients with Alzheimer's. In 1989, Gandy and his team discovered the first drugs that could lower formation of amyloid. Dr. Gandy has written more than 150 original papers, chapters and reviews on this topic. Dr. Gandy has received continuous NIH funding for his research on amyloid metabolism since 1986. Dr. Gandy is a member of the Faculty of 1000 Biology and serves as a Consulting Editor for The Journal of Clinical Investigation. He also serves on the Editorial Advisory Boards for the journals Public Library of Science-Medicine (PLoSM), Neurodegenerative Diseases, and Current Alzheimer Research. He is Associate Editor of the journals Molecular Neurodegeneration and Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders.
Cell Biology, Protein Trafficking & Sorting, Stem Cells
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